Girls Can Code!

Girls Can Code!

Girls Can Code! is an student organization promoting programming and Computer Science to girls via summer camps and 2-days workshops, founded in 2014 to promote diversity in computer science.

I organize and teach in those summer camps since 2016, and in 2018-2019, I lead the organization as a vice-president. This included securing funding and I personally secured Fondation Blaise Pascal (5000 €), BNP Paribas (3000 €), and Fondation Deloitte (1500 €). Overall we handled a budget of 15000€. I also innovated with a new format: two-days workshops. This allowed us to multiply and diversify our events, and this format is the most popular to this day. Finally, I created grants for girls to afford accommodation to come to the summer camps.


Prologin is a student organization that organizes a programming contest for french speakers under 20 years old. It aims at gathering young computer enthusiasts to meet and compete with one another.

Since 2018, I have been organizing (logistic, communication, securing funding and leading other volunteers), writing algorithmic problems, exams and unique game for the finale. For the year 2018-2019, I lead as a vice-president, in the 2019 and 2022 editions I was a member of the jury evaluating the finalists.

Science en cour[t]s

Science en courts is a short film festival where PhD student present there subjects to a general audiance in 5 minutes. I participated in 2021 by co-realizing the short film “Cocktails de bioinformatique” (the subject is not my own PhD subject), and then organized the festival in 2022.

For the year 2022-2023, I am the secretary of Nicomaque an organization mutualizing financial and human resources of projects organized by PhD students in Rennes.